Selling a product, any product, with success and empathy for the customer, in my opinion, is a developed art form. Consumers crave knowledge, your knowledge, of the product you are presenting. The days of answering a technical question about a product, or the installation of the product, by fudging your way through meaningless jargon are over. The internet has forced sales people to finally “know” their products…not just be a sales person. Customers appreciate a sales person with such knowledge, because with the tools of knowledge at hand, fewer mistakes can be made by you, and by the customer. Knowledge, empathy, personality, and good listening skills are something employers are always looking out for, because with all of these aspects developed by a sales person, customer service and customer satisfaction is much easier to achieve.
Products all over the world are developed, marketed, bought and sold on a daily basis. Yet, floor coverings are products that seem to be of great mystery to most sales people, as they are only purchased every 5 to 15 years. Technology changes the aspects of floor coverings far quicker than consumers purchase flooring. Therefore, most sales people feel there is too much “learning” involved in keeping up with the flooring industry. But the learning can be fun…the consumers are hungry for the knowledge you have, and the rewards are far greater in monetary and social values than selling everyday products.
This book will guide you through all the aspects of selling, customer service and technical knowledge needed to strike your personal path to success within this exciting industry. Mark Farnsworth brings years of knowledge, experience and success into a well-written guide to your success in flooring. Whether you are marketing, inventorying, creating or selling floor coverings, this book will start you on the successful path of becoming a top agent within your field.
Centruy Carpet, Louisville, Ohio Becky Thomson,